You're Not Gonna Feel Smart When it Comes to Learning Spanish...
At least, that's what User123456 says.
We're alllll gonna struggle. And everyone who watches a YouTube video and has a keyboard is an Expert on Everything.
At least, dude's an Expert Typer. I mean, he didn't misspell anything in his paragraph-long-tirade.
Here's the problem...haven't I told you by now that learning Spanish is hard?
How would I know? Oh I've just been learning the language for 2 decades, lived in Mexico for 10 years, taught foreign language as my profession for an entire decade, literally honing my craft in the streets of Tepito...
And did I mention my husband doesn't (yet) speak English?
Although I can't complain about him to my bestie out loud anymore...the man knows what I'm saying now. (Not that there's much to complain about, honestly he's awesome. And super cute.)
ANYWAY...the point is!
Learning Spanish is hard. And no matter how many User123456's wanna tell me Iām not smart in the comments section, and pitch a fit and virtually scream about how "it's easy if you just use comprehensible input, you're doing it wrong"...I'm not gonna change my stance, bro.
Because I've done it all. I've done the traditional classroom study with vocab lists and tests and grammar notes, and I've done the comprehensible input on the metro in Mexico City, and both work.
Both have their pros and cons. You can learn a lot of immediately useful vocab by listening to locals at the tianguis. And you learn the reasons WHY they speak they way they do in your grammar lessons online with me. (Shameless plug.)
What's the best way to learn Spanish? Whatever works for you. Watch your shows in Spanish. Listen to Enrique Iglesias (like I am, literally right now). Read stuff in Spanish. Move to Mexico City and try to figure out what AGUAS means. (Hint: I ain't talkin about water.) Do some grammar exercises. Use Duolingo.
No me importa. Todo sirve para algo.
You're smart enough, whatever method you choose.
And don't let anybody shame you into thinking so.
Spanish is hard. And you can do it!